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  • Serving temperature : 12°C - 16°C

  • Best within 2 years

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Gamme Vins de pays Vaucluse

Certitude rouge

  • Food and wine pairing

    To be enjoyed between 10 and 14°C, it will be ideal for aperitifs and summer meals. It also goes perfectly with grilled white meats and various salads.

  • Grape varieties

    Petit Verdot, Cabernet Franc, Syrah

  • Terroir

    Our vines benefit from a cool clay-limestone soil, giving light and fruity wines !

  • Vinification

    Harvested in mid-September. The vinification of this wine is traditional, with fermentation at low temperature (25/30°C) to gently extract the aromas of these different grape varieties. The wine is racked directly after fermentation to preserve its fruity aromas and light colour.

  • Tasting

    Light, luminous colour. The nose is fresh and original, with notes of hibiscus, pomegranate and white raspberry. Juicy and crisp on the palate.

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