  • Alc/vol


  • 16°C - 18°C

  • Best before 5 years

  • femme-enceinte-01 sulfites-01
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  • Logo- vigneron independant

Gamme Vacqueyras


  • Awards

    -Jancis Robinson : 15/20
    -Jeb Dunnuck : 90/100
    -RVF (numéro d'été exceptionnel 2023) : 89-90/100
    -John Livingstone Learmonth : 3.5/5
    -James Suckling : 92/100

  • Food and wine pairing

    This wine will match very well with a stew (hare, boar...), a
    grilled red meat, or character cheeses.

  • Grape varieties

    Syrah, Grenache

  • Terroir

    Ideally located on the guarriges of Sarrians, our vines benefit
    from a clayey soil, composed of smooth pebbles and gravel from
    alluvial origin, associated with the Mediterranean climate with
    its cold winters, hot summers and the famous Mistral...

    Yield: Around 35 Hectolitres per Hectare.

  • Vinification

    Harvesting is done by hand in late September. Winemaking is traditionnal (destemmed and crushed), then placed in a tank with two daily pumping and a double load shedding until racking. During 12 months, the wine is aged in barrels for
    maturation and bottled for optimum aging.

  • Tasting

    Dark color with purple highlights. Powerful nose of blackcurrant coulis, violet zan, incense and Sichuan pepper. Dense, velvety mouthfeel

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