  • Alc/vol


  • Serving temperature : 16°C - 18°C

  • Best before 5 years

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  • Logo- vigneron independant

Gamme Vacqueyras

Reflets de l'âme

  • Awards

    James Suckling : 92/100

  • Food and wine pairing

    Serve with red meat, stews and all types of cheese.

  • Grape varieties

    Grenache 70%, Syrah 15%, Mourvèdre 15%.

  • Terroir

    Ideally located on the guarriges of Sarrians, our vines benefit from a clayey soil, composed of smooth pebbles and gravel from alluvial origin, associated with the Mediterranean climate with its cold winters, hot summers and the famous Mistral...

    Yield : Around 35 Hectolitres per Hectare.

  • Vinification

    Total de-stemming. The three varieties are vinified separately. Traditional and ancestral vinification, during 21 days on marc, under controlled temperature with two daily pumping over. Aging in concrete tanks to keep the freshness of the fruits and the terroir authenticity.

  • Tasting

    The color of a beautiful limpidity is medium garnet. The nose sails on a spicy register, grey pepper, cachou, cardamom, incense. The mouth is serious and ample with delicate and smooth tannins.

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